
This page will give you access to our blog posts and some extra items you may find useful. The ebook guide is free and offers an in-depth tutorial on estate and inheritance tax planning. The IHT calculator is useful in that it provides a realistic forecast of your potential future inheritance tax

Understanding Inheritance Tax

The problems with simple Inheritance tax advice.

(13:54 minutes)

How the 7 Year Inheritance Tax Rule Works?

(10:40 minutes)

How to do your Inheritance Tax calculations

(13:25 minutes)

How some 30-40 year olds can make 10 years salary in 10 hours? | Bluebond Tax Planning

(11:54 minutes)

The 3 only ways to avoid Inheritance Tax | Bluebond Tax Planning

(15:11 minutes)

Mistakes people make in Inheritance Tax Planning

(12:53 minutes)

The 3 most important questions to ask before you start an inheritance tax plan

(8:00 minutes)

Why our inheritance tax calculator is better than most others

(3:43 minutes)

How does the Residential Nil Rate Band Inheritance tax allowance work?

(4:15 minutes)

How is UK inheritance tax calculated?

(6:24 minutes)

How does UK inheritance tax taper relief work?

(2:22 minutes)

What is a chargeable lifetime transfer for UK inheritance tax?

(2:52 minutes)

Is the value of my business liable for UK Inheritance tax?

(3:04 minutes)

When is inheritance tax paid and how is it paid

(3:05 minutes)

Can payment of UK Inheritance tax be deferred?

(2:16 minutes)

What is inheritance tax planning?

(2:39 minutes)

What is Inheritance Tax? How Our Inheritance Tax Advice Works

(1:50 minutes)

I'm not a resident in the U.K- Will I still be liable to UK inheritance tax?

(2:47 minutes)

Do I have to pay inheritance tax on assets held abroad?

(2:05 minutes)

Why might my grandchildren pay 64% UK inheritance tax instead of 40%?

(2:48 minutes)

Does UK inheritance tax apply to non-UK assets?

(2:22 minutes)

How domicile affects IHT?

(5:17 minutes)

How is inheritance tax worked out if you own assets in other countries?

(2:46 minutes)

What happens about inheritance tax if a couple die together in an accident?

(2:53 minutes)

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

Inheritance Tax Solutions

Top 10 free ways to avoid Inheritance tax

(13:32 minutes)

How to save Inheritance Tax on your main residence | Bluebond Tax Planning

(12:23 minutes)

Are there any inheritance tax benefits to an Estate planning structure?

(6:57 minutes)

Can I put my main residence into a Trust?

(3:16 minutes)

When can a Deed of Variation be used for UK inheritance tax?

(5:08 minutes)

How to use a flexible trust to avoid inheritance tax | Bluebond Tax Planning

(14:11 minutes)

How to save inheritance tax if you own a trading company?

(5:52 minutes)

What is the BEST way to solve your inheritance tax problem

(11:14 minutes)

What is a loan trust and why is it useful for inheritance tax planning?

(3:04 minutes)

Why is a Flexible reversionary trust so useful for inheritance tax?

(2:57 minutes)

What is an IPDI and why is it useful for UK inheritance tax?

(5:17 minutes)

Why is it important to set up an Estate planning structure for UK inheritance tax?

(3:37 minutes)

Why is a lifetime trust better than a Will Trust for UK inheritance tax?

(3:44 minutes)

What is the Rysaffe Principle and how does it save UK inheritance tax?

(4:39 minutes)

What gifts can I make to reduce my UK Inheritance tax?

(3:41 minutes)

What is a Potentially Exempt Transfer or PET for UK inheritance tax?

(2:33 minutes)

What is a chargeable lifetime transfer for UK inheritance tax?

(2:53 minutes)

Is the value of my business liable for UK Inheritance tax?

(3:05 minutes)

How does the Residential Nil Rate Band Inheritance tax allowance work?

(4:15 minutes)

What is inheritance tax planning?

(2:40 minutes)

Why You Should Use a Family Investment Company to avoid Inheritance Tax on large Estates

(13:08 minutes)

Why you should have an annual tax review?

(6:20 minutes)

How can you give money to your children without breaking the 7 year IHT rule

(5:13 minutes)

I have lived abroad and am returning to live in the UK – How can I reduce my inheritance tax

(2:53 minutes)

What is the benefit of holding my main residence as Tenants in common instead of Joint tenancy?

(3:03 minutes)

How does a Family Investment company compare to gifting property to children

(4:11 minutes)

What are the benefits of an Excluded Property Trust

(7:44 minutes)

What are the tax implications of transferring property assets into a trust

(3:42 minutes)

How does tax work in a Limited company?

(9:33 minutes)

How married couples can save £70,000 of inheritance tax on their main residence?

(6:15 minutes)

How does an excluded property trust save tax for UK non-domiciles?

(9:18 minutes)

How domicile affects IHT?

(5:17 minutes)

What are the issues around holding offshore property in an excluded property trust?

(4:43 minutes)

How can a limited liability partnership save income tax on a rental property portfolio?

(4:23 minutes)

The biggest problem you have in getting good Inheritance tax advice

(7:03 minutes)

Why landlords should NEVER own rental properties personally?

(4:54 minutes)

How to protect your second home in Europe from IHT?

(3:35 minutes)

Is a Flexible Reversionary Trust taxed the same as a normal discretionary trust?

(2:51 minutes)

How to build a tax effective property portfolio?

(5:11 minutes)

What happens to our planning if there are changes by the government in the future?

(3:25 minutes)

When a property portfolio is transferred to a limited company, what factors must be considered?

(3:38 minutes)

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

Wills and Estate Planning

Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning - Are you putting the cart before the horse? | Bluebond Tax

(3:32 minutes)

The Main Problems With Basic Wills | Bluebond Tax Planning

(10:22 minutes)

Disadvantages of Will Trusts

(9:26 minutes)

Is Estate planning more important than Inheritance tax planning | Bluebond Tax Planning

(20:50 minutes)

Estate Planning UK: Six actions you should take to protect your assets | Bluebond Tax Planning

(11:44 minutes)

What are the main benefits of comprehensive estate planning?

(4:10 minutes)

What can I do if a family member has died intestate without a Will?

(4:00 minutes)

Why is it important to set up an Estate planning structure for UK inheritance tax?

(3:37 minutes)

What are the implications of giving all or part of my main residence to my children?

(3:22 minutes)

What is the benefit of holding my main residence as Tenants in common instead of Joint tenancy?

(3:04 minutes)

What is an expression of wishes document for a trust?

(3:29 minutes)

How do I take the value of a foreign property out of my estate for IHT purposes?

(5:13 minutes)

Why landlords should NEVER own rental properties personally?

(4:54 minutes)

What is the best way to set up a trust for grandchildren?

(6:49 minutes)

What happens about inheritance tax if a couple die together in an accident?

(2:54 minutes)

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

Trust Planning

What is an Inheritance tax trust | Bluebond Tax Planning

(8:17 minutes)

Why Set Up a Lifetime Trust

(8:25 minutes)

Can I put a property into a Trust?

(2:41 minutes)

What are the interactions with HMRC when setting up and running a trust?

(4:44 minutes)

What is an inheritance tax loan trust?

(6:09 minutes)

How much money can I put into a Trust?

(2:32 minutes)

What is a loan trust and why is it useful for inheritance tax planning?

(3:05 minutes)

Why is a Flexible reversionary trust so useful for inheritance tax?

(2:57 minutes)

What is the problem with a free trust supplied by an insurance company

(4:27 minutes)

Why do you recommend a non-family member to be a Trustee?

(3:23 minutes)

Can a spouse of one of my children be supported from my trust?

(2:22 minutes)

How does leaving my assets to a trust protect my children if they get divorced?

(5:53 minutes)

One of my children lives abroad – Can they be a trustee or benefit from a Trust?

(2:14 minutes)

What happens if my children have insufficient funds to repay a loan from my Trusts?

(3:03 minutes)

Why is a lifetime trust better than a Will Trust for UK inheritance tax?

(3:45 minutes)

What is an expression of wishes document for a trust?

(3:30 minutes)

Can the expression of wishes letter be changed?

(2:48 minutes)

What are the tax implications of transferring property assets into a trust

(3:42 minutes)

How does an Employee Benefit Trust avoid Capital Gains Tax?

(7:29 minutes)

What is the best way to set up a trust for grandchildren?

(6:49 minutes)

How do I choose an independent trustee?

(2:47 minutes)

Can a trust asset be allocated to unborn children or grandchildren?

(2:09 minutes)

Can a trust lend money to buy a property?

(2:54 minutes)

How to set up a trust if your beneficiaries live abroad?

(3:01 minutes)

Should I use a discretionary trust or an Employee Benefit trust to hold my company shares?

(4:49 minutes)

Should I use a disabled person's trust or a discretionary trust?

(4:01 minutes)

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

Family Investment Company

Why should I use a family investment company instead of a normal limited company?

(4:06 minutes)

Why use an employee benefit trust with my family investment company?

(4:05 minutes)

What is a family investment company and why should I consider setting up one?

(4:35 minutes)

Can I use a family investment company for an investment portfolio?

(4:40 minutes)

Why UK landlords should use a Family Investment Company not a Ltd company to avoid inheritance tax

(19:01 minutes)

What is a Family Investment Company and why should you consider setting up one?

(4:39 minutes)

Why use an Employee Benefit Trust with your Family Investment Company?

(4:10 minutes)

How landlords can use an employee benefit trust to avoid inheritance tax and capital gains tax.

(5:32 minutes)

Can I convert an existing company into a family investment company?

(2:58 minutes)

Are you allowed to have alphabet shares in a normal limited company?

(5:25 minutes)

Is a family investment company taxed differently to a normal limited company?

(3:04 minutes)

Can I have more than one family investment company?

(2:51 minutes)

Why You Should Use a Family Investment Company to avoid Inheritance Tax on large Estates

(13:09 minutes)

How does a Family Investment company compare to gifting property to children

(4:11 minutes)

What are the tax implications of a Family Investment company

(3:16 minutes)

Can a family investment company be set up with shares for minors?

(5:33 minutes)

Should you place your Family Investment Company shares into a discretionary trust?

(7:10 minutes)

What are the disadvantages of a Family Investment Company

(4:26 minutes)

Is a Family Investment Company easy to manage on a yearly basis?

(4:31 minutes)

What are the practicalities of running an Employee Benefit Trust?

(6:57 minutes)

How does an Employee Benefit Trust avoid Capital Gains Tax?

(7:30 minutes)

Can I have an LLP and an FIC at the same time?

(4:11 minutes)

What can I invest in using a Family Investment Company?

(2:40 minutes)

How do you place investments into a Family Investment Company?

(6:32 minutes)

How landlords can set up a Family Investment Company and an Employee Benefit Trust

(16:55 minutes)

How to deal with mortgages in a Family Investment Company?

(7:47 minutes)

Why use a Family Investment Company for an investment portfolio?

(6:28 minutes)

Why use a Family investment company to avoid inheritance tax

(8:00 minutes)

When a property portfolio is transferred to a limited company, what factors must be considered?

(3:39 minutes)

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

The information contained in this web site is for UK consumers only.  Like most firms of solicitors and accountants, Bluebond Tax Planning is not regulated by the FCA. The content of this website does not constitute FCA regulated financial advice and all content is provided for general information purposes only. Bluebond is not responsible for any action you may take as a result of information on this site. All advice will be delivered on a personal basis once we fully understand your situation and our client agreements have been signed.

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