What is an expression of wishes document?
An expression of wishes letter is a document that outlines to your trustees the guidance on what you would like to happen with the assets you’ve put into a trust. It is guidance – not instructions. You have to trust your trustees to make the right decisions and pick the right trustees to do that. A trust lasts 125 years and therefore things change, and guidance is much better than instructions.
How can I change an expression of wishes document?
An expression of wishes letter can be changed very simply. You can send just one additional clause to the lawyer and request it be added to your expression of wishes letter. If you’d like to change something entirely, this will require much more complex changes and will include a small fee to right it up if there’s legal working around it.
What is the main benefit of an expression of wishes document?
The main benefit is that you don’t have to change your Will’s or the Trust’s structure at all. Just adding a small clause to an existing expression of wishes is relatively simple. If you have picked trustees who you trust, they would be able to carry out your wishes very easily. Making sure you have the right people would really solve the problem.