Before deciding on what action to take on your inheritance tax it is essential to know the potential future size of the problem. Our calculator will calculate your current IHT problem and a projection of the potential problem in 10 and 15 years time.

Bluebond Inheritance Tax Calculator

Enter your details below and find out how much Inheritance tax you’ll pay.

World Wide Joint Assets

Main Residence

Other properties

Investments(not including pensions)


Other assets (vehicles, house contents, jewellery)

Total Assets


Outstanding mortgage on your main home

Outstanding mortgage(s) on additional properties

Loans,overdrafts,credit cards

Other debts

Total Liabilities

Your net Current Estate value

Additional Information

Have you made any gifts in excess of £3000 each in the last seven years

How much money will you be leaving to charity in your Will

Will you be leaving your main residence to your direct descendents?

Marital Status

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How was your Tax calculated

Our specialist inheritance tax service is easier, simpler and more cost effective than instructing a Lawyer, Accountant or Financial Adviser.

Watch how we solved our client Frank's inheritance tax problem and saved him both time and money.

If you have over £2 million in current assets including your pension funds we can help you to pay Zero in Inheritance tax.

One stop comprehensive specialist advice - Tax, accountancy, financial planning and legal advice service with 18 years experience.

Are you a high net worth investor? How can you make potential investment returns of 15% to 40% per year?Learn More

Download our free Ebook Guide on
How to avoid Inheritance Tax

Join 100+ people who saved over £10,000,000 on inheritance tax and preserved their wealth.

We provide comprehensive information about how to avoid inheritance tax through our FREE Ebook Guide to ensure that everyone looking for the right IHT solution gets the best of inheritance tax planning.

Within this ebook guide you will get free useful tips from our IHT specialist with over 18 years experience which will save you hours of research time. This Ebook Guide is available to anyone interested in paying zero inheritance tax and retaining their hard-earned wealth for their family.

How is our Ebook Guide different to that offered by other companies?

It is not simply a guide to how inheritance works but is designed around potential solutions. It also contains links to a wide range of YouTube videos which will help your understanding of the issues involved in effective planning.

Download our free Ebook Guide on How to avoid inheritance tax and Video Tutorial - The 5 main solutions to solve most Inheritance tax problems

As featured in

How Does It Work?

The entire process is specifically designed to make eliminating your inheritance tax liability as simple and easy as possible.


Get access to our free ebook guide about inheritance tax with practical information about financial planning


Ask us any additional questions you have regarding the guide and your IHT issues


Our IHT specialist will answer at no cost to you, you can then confirm if you wish to proceed further


If you are happy to go forward, we will then take care of your inheritance tax Planning needs


Once our IHT advice is implemented, all of your financial plans will be reviewed regularly

About Bluebond Tax Planning

With our inheritance tax planning services, there is no IHT issue that cannot be solved

  • Bluebond Tax Planning helps clients with their Estate planning and inheritance tax in particular.

  • We act as one central point for legal, financial and tax advice. We put together bespoke tailored plans to help clients eliminate their IHT liability,

  • Specialising in assets value over £1.5 million helps us understand your inheritance tax and Estate planning better than a generalist adviser. We specialize in an area where very few other advisers work.

  • Most of our clients are unlikely to pay any inheritance tax at all, despite assets well over £2 million.

Reasons to register for the IHT Ebook Guide


What our customers say…

D & T Pattie

Specialising in assets value over £1.5 million helps us understand your inheritance tax and Estate planning better than a generalist adviser. We specialize in an area where very few other advisers work.

Read the full testimonial

Frank Hibberd

It is gratifying to finally come across an adviser who gives sensible ongoing advice which is very client focused. In our case in particular, it is nice to know that we now have high degree of certainty on our  Inheritance…

Read the full testimonial

Tony & Sue Perriss

… I am writing to thank you for your help on our inheritance tax and Estate planning. It is nice to know that we can now be certain that our daughter will inherit our money without giving a large slice of it to the government…

Read the full testimonial

Michael Mahon

… I particularly want to thank you for the open and transparent manner in which you have serviced my tax planning needs since I first met you seven or so years ago. In arranging my tax planning through you, I have confidence….

Read the full testimonial

Have you got questions?

Book a free no-obligation face-to-face video conference meeting for later today to speak to our specialist tax expert Charles

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The information contained in this web site is for UK consumers only.  Like most firms of solicitors and accountants, Bluebond Tax Planning is not regulated by the FCA. The content of this website does not constitute FCA regulated financial advice and all content is provided for general information purposes only. Bluebond is not responsible for any action you may take as a result of information on this site. All advice will be delivered on a personal basis once we fully understand your situation and our client agreements have been signed.

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